So it's finally clear.
The financial crises that happened everywhere hit the company I work at. As per yesterday, I got a notice slip stated my bonus and thirteenth salary (or in Indonesia, it's called Tunjangan Hari Raya), with a twelve percent cut compared to last year.
It really make me uncomfortable. But what should I do? Complain? Protest? I don't think so.
One thing that cross my mind is that I should thank God, because this year I learned a lot. And though my condition -- financially, that is -- somehow a little bit gloomy and even gloomier next year, at least I still had a paying job that I don't have to resort to asking help from my parents.
The last time I asked for their help, financially, was when I went to Kalimantan four and a half years ago. I needed money to buy airplane ticket and some pocket money till I got my first salary.
I should really made my experience a lesson and just being optimist for the time being. At least at my current state, I'm better off that a few millions other Indonesian. I still have money, although just a little. But it's better than nothing.
And I'm better than some Bank Century customers who got swindled out of their money/savings.
I just have the flu right now, not that kind of sickness or disease that made me have to resort to continuous medication; or hospitalization; or have to maintain special diet otherwise I could get worse physically.
I am in a healthy mental state.
I can't afford fancy food on exotic restaurants but at least I can eat three times a day including snacks.
And I don't have to worry about what to wear because in my workplace what matters more is our performance and not what brand you wear today or what style that is the most current and whether I'm keeping with it or not.
Although I made some erroneous spending but all of that have been fixed already.
Maybe I can't borrow my office's car this year for personal end of year celebration, but at least there is a motorcycle that I can use. All I have to do is fill her gas up.
And I didn't have any issue with the law that keep taking up my time, not like some high-profile people you see in the news today.
Oh yes, I still have a couple of books waiting to be read by me, so I didn't have to buy any other book for a couple of months.
Yes, maybe all that points above, are minuscule points that surely you would think: Is this guy serious? But his current state of life seem really sucks!
I say: Hey, don't you read the title? Don't you read a statement in the post? I AM BETTER OFF THAN A FEW MILLIONS OF OTHER INDONESIAN. And I'm certainly better off than million upon million of those African that suffer famine, plague, or thousands percent inflation rate that made their money worthless.
That definitely provide a ground for me to be optimist. Or not.