Hari itu, aku dan kolegaku berangkat ke Bandung.
Ternyata ada kemacetan di jalan, gara-gara ada usaha evakuasi truk yang terguling ke sawah. Dari posisi terguling, rencananya mau dibuat menjadi tegak lagi (alias berada di atas ban).
Kecelakaan dapat terjadi di mana saja dan kapan saja. Maka daripada itu, berhati-hatilah!
“God must’ve loved me so much, He joked a lot with me. Every time I tell stories of my mishap and misfortunes, people laughed.”
Sabtu, Mei 31, 2008
Kamis, Mei 29, 2008
BESAR atau kecil?
Hari ini aku merasa kesal karena perlakuan orang-orang dari perusahaan yang lebih besar di mana kami mengerjakan proyek dari perusahaan tersebut.
Seorang penyelianya meneleponku meminta pelaksanaan serah terima esok hari. Tentu saja karena handphoneku ketinggalan di suatu tempat maka aku tidak bisa menjawab. Ternyata penyelia tersebut kesal lalu mengirimkan SMS bernada marah dan kecaman.
SMS yang pertama menanyakan jadwal serah terima pekerjaan dengan seorang PIC operator - dengan nada kesal. Mungkin karena sebelumnya aku memberanikan diri menghubungi PIC tersebut lalu mengatur jadwal serah terima. Istilahnya, aku mem-by-pass account manager perusahaan besar tersebut. Tentu saja karena aku menganggap agar lebih gampang buatku mengatur jadwal tim instalatirku sendiri.
Tapi jadwal serah terima itu batal karena tim marketing perusahaan besar itu meminta bertemu dengan semua PIC dari operator tersebut. Apa boleh buat, pikirku, setidaknya aku sudah berusaha. Tetapi mungkin saja aku sudah dianggap lancang melangkahi "prosedur" -- entah apapun bentuk prosedur itu -- karena mengundang serah terima secara langsung.
Lalu kupikir, kalau kalian membatalkan, lalu dijadwalkan ulang ketika timku tidak bisa, wajar saja kan bila aku meminta jadwal ulang? Terlebih lagi, menurutku wajar bila aku berinisiatif seperti itu, daripada menunggu jadwal dari mereka yang tidak jelas kapan.
Tapi sepertinya itu dinilai oleh si penyelia dari perusahaan besar itu sebagai tindakan yang tidak pantas.
Sedangkan SMS yang kedua meminta kami menambah jumlah tim instalatir (menggunakan banyak tanda seru) kalau memang kami banyak dapat proyek dari perusahaan besar tersebut. Mungkin saja SMS ini karena kami meminta reschedule jadwal serah terima hari Jumat pagi. Tentu saja masuk akal menurutku. Pemberitahuan serah terima itu sampai ke kantor pada hari Kamis sore pukul 18:15 WIB!
Lagi-lagi karena si penyelia itu mencoba meneleponku dan tidak ada jawaban, pastinya dia marah-marah. Mungkin karena menerima kabar kalau kami minta jadwal ulang, dia mengirimkan SMS yang meminta kami menambah jumlah tim instalatir.
Ha ha.
Tahu tidak? Yang terpikir olehku adalah soal arogansi kita. Aku tidak tahu pasti apakah si penyelia yang satu ini arogan atau tidak. Yang membuatku "mengelus dada" adalah bahwa kata-kata yang dikirimkannya itu membuatku merasa direndahkan. Apakah karena ukuran perusahaan tempatku bekerja jauh lebih kecil dari perusahaan tempatnya bekerja?
Memang kuakui bahwa aku bekerja di sebuah perusahaan berukuran kecil. Saking kecilnya, untuk berbicara dengan project manager saja aku cukup berteriak dari tempat dudukku...
Tapi bukan itu.
Sepertinya aku saja yang naif, menganggap jabatanku sekarang ini hanyalah posisi sementara, bahwa aku sebenarnya bukan siapa-siapa, tak punya apapun yang bisa dibanggakan. Atau aku juga sebenarnya iri pada orang-orang yang bekerja di perusahaan besar bahkan perusahaan multinasional. Atau kepada orang-orang yang bekerja di luar negeri dan berpenghasilan relatif lebih besar dibandingkan dengan jabatan setara di dalam negeri.
Apa salahnya berukuran kecil tapi berkinerja baik?
Tapi alangkah baiknya berskala besar dan berkinerja mengkilap!
Sayangnya, banyak orang mau kerja di perusahaan besar dan kelihatan keren. Aku juga mau! Aku juga mau!
Tapi hei! Apa gunanya kalau mengejar posisi di BIG COMPANY tapi sebenarnya kamu itu dispensable???
Seorang penyelianya meneleponku meminta pelaksanaan serah terima esok hari. Tentu saja karena handphoneku ketinggalan di suatu tempat maka aku tidak bisa menjawab. Ternyata penyelia tersebut kesal lalu mengirimkan SMS bernada marah dan kecaman.
SMS yang pertama menanyakan jadwal serah terima pekerjaan dengan seorang PIC operator - dengan nada kesal. Mungkin karena sebelumnya aku memberanikan diri menghubungi PIC tersebut lalu mengatur jadwal serah terima. Istilahnya, aku mem-by-pass account manager perusahaan besar tersebut. Tentu saja karena aku menganggap agar lebih gampang buatku mengatur jadwal tim instalatirku sendiri.
Tapi jadwal serah terima itu batal karena tim marketing perusahaan besar itu meminta bertemu dengan semua PIC dari operator tersebut. Apa boleh buat, pikirku, setidaknya aku sudah berusaha. Tetapi mungkin saja aku sudah dianggap lancang melangkahi "prosedur" -- entah apapun bentuk prosedur itu -- karena mengundang serah terima secara langsung.
Lalu kupikir, kalau kalian membatalkan, lalu dijadwalkan ulang ketika timku tidak bisa, wajar saja kan bila aku meminta jadwal ulang? Terlebih lagi, menurutku wajar bila aku berinisiatif seperti itu, daripada menunggu jadwal dari mereka yang tidak jelas kapan.
Tapi sepertinya itu dinilai oleh si penyelia dari perusahaan besar itu sebagai tindakan yang tidak pantas.
Sedangkan SMS yang kedua meminta kami menambah jumlah tim instalatir (menggunakan banyak tanda seru) kalau memang kami banyak dapat proyek dari perusahaan besar tersebut. Mungkin saja SMS ini karena kami meminta reschedule jadwal serah terima hari Jumat pagi. Tentu saja masuk akal menurutku. Pemberitahuan serah terima itu sampai ke kantor pada hari Kamis sore pukul 18:15 WIB!
Lagi-lagi karena si penyelia itu mencoba meneleponku dan tidak ada jawaban, pastinya dia marah-marah. Mungkin karena menerima kabar kalau kami minta jadwal ulang, dia mengirimkan SMS yang meminta kami menambah jumlah tim instalatir.
Ha ha.
Tahu tidak? Yang terpikir olehku adalah soal arogansi kita. Aku tidak tahu pasti apakah si penyelia yang satu ini arogan atau tidak. Yang membuatku "mengelus dada" adalah bahwa kata-kata yang dikirimkannya itu membuatku merasa direndahkan. Apakah karena ukuran perusahaan tempatku bekerja jauh lebih kecil dari perusahaan tempatnya bekerja?
Memang kuakui bahwa aku bekerja di sebuah perusahaan berukuran kecil. Saking kecilnya, untuk berbicara dengan project manager saja aku cukup berteriak dari tempat dudukku...
Tapi bukan itu.
Sepertinya aku saja yang naif, menganggap jabatanku sekarang ini hanyalah posisi sementara, bahwa aku sebenarnya bukan siapa-siapa, tak punya apapun yang bisa dibanggakan. Atau aku juga sebenarnya iri pada orang-orang yang bekerja di perusahaan besar bahkan perusahaan multinasional. Atau kepada orang-orang yang bekerja di luar negeri dan berpenghasilan relatif lebih besar dibandingkan dengan jabatan setara di dalam negeri.
Apa salahnya berukuran kecil tapi berkinerja baik?
Tapi alangkah baiknya berskala besar dan berkinerja mengkilap!
Sayangnya, banyak orang mau kerja di perusahaan besar dan kelihatan keren. Aku juga mau! Aku juga mau!
Tapi hei! Apa gunanya kalau mengejar posisi di BIG COMPANY tapi sebenarnya kamu itu dispensable???
Selasa, Mei 27, 2008
Aku Kenal Seseorang
Aku kenal seseorang,
yang pernah menuduhku bermacam-macam.
Aku tahu dia ada,
dan mungkin pula membaca tulisan ini.
Aku tahu aku bodoh,
karena bertahan untuk mencoba,
selama ini:
mengerti; memahami; menerima; mengubah diri...
Dengan harga yang cukup mahal.
Aku kenal seseorang,
yang bersamanya membuatku merasa,
senang; sedih; tawa; tangis;
dan juga siksa.
"I guess that you only want that (sex)," message-nya.
"You lied to me and changed," duganya.
Kau salah. Mataku hanya terbuka.
"(Most) People don't change. Or they just won't," tulisku suatu hari.
"Jealousy is poison," tambahku lagi.
Mataku terbuka dan pikiranku menerima.
"Maybe you are not worth it."
Untuk apa menjalaninya bersama seseorang,
yang lebih banyak membuatmu menderita?
Untuk apa bertahan demi seseorang,
yang menuduhmu seenaknya?
"Jealousy is poison," ingin kubisikkan ke telinganya.
"Its venom killed those who lived around you."
yang pernah menuduhku bermacam-macam.
Aku tahu dia ada,
dan mungkin pula membaca tulisan ini.
Aku tahu aku bodoh,
karena bertahan untuk mencoba,
selama ini:
mengerti; memahami; menerima; mengubah diri...
Dengan harga yang cukup mahal.
Aku kenal seseorang,
yang bersamanya membuatku merasa,
senang; sedih; tawa; tangis;
dan juga siksa.
"I guess that you only want that (sex)," message-nya.
"You lied to me and changed," duganya.
Kau salah. Mataku hanya terbuka.
"(Most) People don't change. Or they just won't," tulisku suatu hari.
"Jealousy is poison," tambahku lagi.
Mataku terbuka dan pikiranku menerima.
"Maybe you are not worth it."
Untuk apa menjalaninya bersama seseorang,
yang lebih banyak membuatmu menderita?
Untuk apa bertahan demi seseorang,
yang menuduhmu seenaknya?
"Jealousy is poison," ingin kubisikkan ke telinganya.
"Its venom killed those who lived around you."
Senin, Mei 26, 2008
how i (almost) had fun!
lousy position result in lousy pictures.
that's really a point you must remember. i went to the exotic carnival on the street and because my lack of agility to secure a great spot for photographying, i missed the chance to shoot Fahrani.
sure, i had some fun trying to take some photos, but what i really get is just so-so.
since i still neck deep in document, i can only edited this one from my RAW files.
wish i had more time to upload some more -- much later in this week.
the truth is: my hunting almost give me lot of fun!
Minggu, Mei 25, 2008
sometimes, your heart can be a backstabber
here i am, back in office, writing this post. thinking of the conversation i had earlier this very day.
i got a call from someone when i giving a lesson on using a manual transmission car to a woman who was used to drive an automatic transmission vehicle. i know that the person who's calling me got upset. because there was a long pause between our conversation.
and i can only said that happened. especially when your heart bled and burned and all the while was fueled by the conclusion your brain made in a blink.
i know that i disagree to teach that person how to drive. because it is true that to train a beginner how to drive, first you must have a right car. its the kind of car that was modified to have at least a second brake pedal and/or coupling. which the car i used then had not.
you see, i agreed to teach how to use a manual transmission car ONLY BECAUSE the woman had many hours experience driving around a car, albeit an automatic one. that means she is used to handle a steering wheel, coordinating gas and brake pedals, using rearview mirrors and signs when turning. that means that she is so much familiar of being a driver.
all that i can add is telling her to get in her mind of the sequence: step on coupling, put the transmission gear from neutral to first position, step on the gas, slowly let go of the coupling pedal until the car went the forward.
that means i didn't teach her from scratch. and that was a lot of difference than giving a lesson to a person who had no experience of driving any car whatsoever.
i didn't even know why i had the urge of giving any explanation here.
maybe because you can read it well here.
all i can say is that sometimes, your heart can lead you into the wrong conclusion.
sometimes, your heart can be a backstabber...
i got a call from someone when i giving a lesson on using a manual transmission car to a woman who was used to drive an automatic transmission vehicle. i know that the person who's calling me got upset. because there was a long pause between our conversation.
and i can only said that happened. especially when your heart bled and burned and all the while was fueled by the conclusion your brain made in a blink.
i know that i disagree to teach that person how to drive. because it is true that to train a beginner how to drive, first you must have a right car. its the kind of car that was modified to have at least a second brake pedal and/or coupling. which the car i used then had not.
you see, i agreed to teach how to use a manual transmission car ONLY BECAUSE the woman had many hours experience driving around a car, albeit an automatic one. that means she is used to handle a steering wheel, coordinating gas and brake pedals, using rearview mirrors and signs when turning. that means that she is so much familiar of being a driver.
all that i can add is telling her to get in her mind of the sequence: step on coupling, put the transmission gear from neutral to first position, step on the gas, slowly let go of the coupling pedal until the car went the forward.
that means i didn't teach her from scratch. and that was a lot of difference than giving a lesson to a person who had no experience of driving any car whatsoever.
i didn't even know why i had the urge of giving any explanation here.
maybe because you can read it well here.
all i can say is that sometimes, your heart can lead you into the wrong conclusion.
sometimes, your heart can be a backstabber...
Sabtu, Mei 24, 2008
now, where should i go?
there is one stage act from a talent search show on television, where the contestant is on a road show and perform live at a mall near my place. i'd like to capture three to four of them while they're singing on the stage.
but then my friend asked me to join him on a photo hunt on a carnival at another festival in another shopping mall up in the north. and i'd like to join it too.
now, let's analyze the situation:
if i went to the mall near my place, i presumed that i'd be elbowing people to get near the stage and since it is a pop event, there'd be a lot of people cramming near front stage to sing-a-long with their idol(s). surely, need more effort.
if i went to the carnival, well, it's on the street so i'd have a lot more room to roam. and it'd be like a street photography! well, must be a great opportunity to test my lens(es)!
i think i'd go to the carnival instead.
but then my friend asked me to join him on a photo hunt on a carnival at another festival in another shopping mall up in the north. and i'd like to join it too.
now, let's analyze the situation:
if i went to the mall near my place, i presumed that i'd be elbowing people to get near the stage and since it is a pop event, there'd be a lot of people cramming near front stage to sing-a-long with their idol(s). surely, need more effort.
if i went to the carnival, well, it's on the street so i'd have a lot more room to roam. and it'd be like a street photography! well, must be a great opportunity to test my lens(es)!
i think i'd go to the carnival instead.
Rabu, Mei 21, 2008
tentang allthematthewsrock.blogspot.com
sebenarnya, melihat betapa jarangnya pada akhir-akhir ini aku membuat post baru, mungkin saja orang berpikir kalau aku sudah tidak menulis lagi. atau mungkin ada yang menduga kalau aku sudah tidak online lagi. atau mungkin aku sudah mati.
sebenarnya tidak.
aku hanya merasa terlalu sibuk sehingga tidak bisa membuat konsep tulisan dengan baik lalu menjadikannya sebuah post yang menarik. mungkin sebenarnya aku butuh liburan. yang panjang.
kegiatan fotografiku juga seperti sedang berjalan di tempat. tidak ada kemajuan yang signifikan. menyedihkan memang. kadang kala, melihat orang-orang lain, aku merasa kalau aku ini selalu berjalan di tempat saja.
bahkan saat ini, di terminal di meja kantor, aku memiliki ide-ide yang sangat ingin kutuangkan dalam tulisan. tapi seperti ada tembok yang membenturku. sangat besar dan menyulitkan.
aku jadi sedih.
mungkin memang aku butuh liburan dari pekerjaanku. lalu pergi ke pantai, ke gunung, melihat pertunjukan kesenian, have sex, make love, anything that relaxing.
that's it.
something to unwind myself.
sebenarnya tidak.
aku hanya merasa terlalu sibuk sehingga tidak bisa membuat konsep tulisan dengan baik lalu menjadikannya sebuah post yang menarik. mungkin sebenarnya aku butuh liburan. yang panjang.
kegiatan fotografiku juga seperti sedang berjalan di tempat. tidak ada kemajuan yang signifikan. menyedihkan memang. kadang kala, melihat orang-orang lain, aku merasa kalau aku ini selalu berjalan di tempat saja.
bahkan saat ini, di terminal di meja kantor, aku memiliki ide-ide yang sangat ingin kutuangkan dalam tulisan. tapi seperti ada tembok yang membenturku. sangat besar dan menyulitkan.
aku jadi sedih.
mungkin memang aku butuh liburan dari pekerjaanku. lalu pergi ke pantai, ke gunung, melihat pertunjukan kesenian, have sex, make love, anything that relaxing.
that's it.
something to unwind myself.
Kamis, Mei 15, 2008
what Avenger Initiative?
So, last night I finally watched Iron Man movie.
Kind of nagged me a bit, about the consistency in the movie and that Vanity Fair reporter being appeared in too many scenes. I mean, showing in a charity party bringing pictures of a small village of Gulmira? How can a small village like that mentioned in too many news coverage? IT IS a small village, didn't you think?
Just to make connection of why a Tony Stark/Iron Man would rush to Afganishtan and start pummeling down the viscious armed ragtag Ten Rings? And Yinsen of Gulmira? Hello? As a lecturer about integrated circuit in a convention that can perform surgery??? He must be the only one multitalented hick I ever saw in a movie!
And how come Miss Potts drive the same Audy with license plate STARK 4 to the Section 16 of the Stark Industrial complex with all the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents while (I thought I saw) at the same time the car sit on Starks garage/workshop?
And how come Colonel Nick Fury become a black skinned badass Samuel L. Jackson? Why didn't they put another actor for that role? What Avenger initiative? Are we going to see movie crossovers? Web-slinging wall-crawling Spidey is a temporary Avengers, you know.
And how come I didn't see The Mandarin -- or anything resembled Chinese tyrant -- in the movie? And no mention about the other Nine Rings (of power)?
Kind of nagged me a bit, about the consistency in the movie and that Vanity Fair reporter being appeared in too many scenes. I mean, showing in a charity party bringing pictures of a small village of Gulmira? How can a small village like that mentioned in too many news coverage? IT IS a small village, didn't you think?
Just to make connection of why a Tony Stark/Iron Man would rush to Afganishtan and start pummeling down the viscious armed ragtag Ten Rings? And Yinsen of Gulmira? Hello? As a lecturer about integrated circuit in a convention that can perform surgery??? He must be the only one multitalented hick I ever saw in a movie!
And how come Miss Potts drive the same Audy with license plate STARK 4 to the Section 16 of the Stark Industrial complex with all the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents while (I thought I saw) at the same time the car sit on Starks garage/workshop?
And how come Colonel Nick Fury become a black skinned badass Samuel L. Jackson? Why didn't they put another actor for that role? What Avenger initiative? Are we going to see movie crossovers? Web-slinging wall-crawling Spidey is a temporary Avengers, you know.
And how come I didn't see The Mandarin -- or anything resembled Chinese tyrant -- in the movie? And no mention about the other Nine Rings (of power)?
Iron Man,
Marvel Comics,
Samuel L. Jackson
Selasa, Mei 13, 2008
Being Old...
Being Old...
Doesn't necessarily mean that one is mature.
Being Old...
Doesn't always make a person wiser.
Being Old...
Doesn't result in an ability to take responsibilities.
Being Old...
Just made one grown up and older.
No more and no less.
And sadly, you can easily met elder people who isn't mature, wise, or responsible.
Doesn't necessarily mean that one is mature.
Being Old...
Doesn't always make a person wiser.
Being Old...
Doesn't result in an ability to take responsibilities.
Being Old...
Just made one grown up and older.
No more and no less.
And sadly, you can easily met elder people who isn't mature, wise, or responsible.
Rabu, Mei 07, 2008
Sometimes I Hate This Job
Do you know what pissed me off?
I've been given half-wits as my staffs and my superior officer wanted me to gave maximum performance. I had to review design, made drawing corrections, plan for action, list priorities and act upon them, directing teams of workers, keeping track on progress, monitor work and made correction whenever necessary, filing documentations, etc. And these staffs just can't be expected to run things with minimal supervision.
What is it with these Indonesian!!!!
If I had to keep reminding people what to document on work sites -- while I personally had made list of things to be photographed and gave the list to their own hands -- am I to be blamed always? If they forgot a couple of items FROM THE F**KING LIST(!!!), am I to be held responsible? If they point each other out for forgetting to run tests and record things according to ANOTHER F**KING LIST, did I have a prerogative to tell those dumb f**k that they are f**king *ssholes and that they must be raised by eating dirt instead of rice?
I mean, how else can you explain these Indonesian can be so *d*ot*c?
And what about seeing all but noticing nothing? What is happening inside these *#*&&! heads anyway? And can't they even learned anything from experience? From previous sites? Seeing that things are just wrong and fix it the first moment of opportunity?
F**K F**K F**K!!!
I've been given half-wits as my staffs and my superior officer wanted me to gave maximum performance. I had to review design, made drawing corrections, plan for action, list priorities and act upon them, directing teams of workers, keeping track on progress, monitor work and made correction whenever necessary, filing documentations, etc. And these staffs just can't be expected to run things with minimal supervision.
What is it with these Indonesian!!!!
If I had to keep reminding people what to document on work sites -- while I personally had made list of things to be photographed and gave the list to their own hands -- am I to be blamed always? If they forgot a couple of items FROM THE F**KING LIST(!!!), am I to be held responsible? If they point each other out for forgetting to run tests and record things according to ANOTHER F**KING LIST, did I have a prerogative to tell those dumb f**k that they are f**king *ssholes and that they must be raised by eating dirt instead of rice?
I mean, how else can you explain these Indonesian can be so *d*ot*c?
And what about seeing all but noticing nothing? What is happening inside these *#*&&! heads anyway? And can't they even learned anything from experience? From previous sites? Seeing that things are just wrong and fix it the first moment of opportunity?
F**K F**K F**K!!!
Kamis, Mei 01, 2008
Kuharap anak satu ini dapat posisi tiga, bukan Indonesian Idol 2008 maupun runner-up. Dengan demikian dia tidak akan terikat kontrak seperti juara dan runner-up lainnya. Setidaknya dia bakal memiliki kebebasan untuk bergabung dengan siapapun yang memiliki visi musik yang sama dengan dia.
Dan aku harap dia berhati-hati serta ada yang menjaganya, sebagai godfather mungkin? Untuk mencegah talenta seperti dia tersia-sia dalam ikatan kerja/kontrak yang merugikan. Mungkin masih ada musisi yang bisa mendamaikan idealisme dan komersialisme dalam sinergi yang menguntungkan dan menjadikan musik Indonesia -- khususnya kancah musik rock -- tetap gahar.
indonesian idol,
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