tahu tidak kalau hari ini aku begitu cape?
hanya karena aku harus mencoba "closing" site untuk sebuah operator yang mana site itu sudah pending sampai dua tahun lamanya karena mereka sempat vakum operasi.
lalu ternyata, muncul saja masalah-masalah di luar perkiraanku.
bagaimana mungkin caranya closing kalau air conditioning unit tidak beroperasi dengan normal? sampai kiamat juga si operator berhak untuk menolah closing - kan SOP-nya tidak terpenuhi...
this is another fruitless day after all...
lebih parahnya lagi, aku sudah memberitahukan kepada owner tentang salah satu dari masalah kerusakan itu dari bulan Januari 2008. itu masuk major pending item. sekarang hari terakhir Juni 2008 dan tidak ada perubahan atau perbaikan apapun lalu aku diminta mengusahakan closing???
cape... cape... cape...
“God must’ve loved me so much, He joked a lot with me. Every time I tell stories of my mishap and misfortunes, people laughed.”
Senin, Juni 30, 2008
Kamis, Juni 26, 2008
Jakarta Rock Parade 2008

Very interesting, indeed. I just don't know if I could afford the time (three days!!!).
Why would it be three days? Because on day one I want to see Suicidal Sinatra and Koil. On day two I wish to see Getah, Fall, Burgerkill, and Deadsquad. And on day three, it'd be Seringai, Dead Vertical, Efek Rumah Kaca, Adrian Adioetomo, and Sajama Cut.
And on day one, which is Friday, I still have to work! It's workday, everybody!
For daily ticket, it'll cost me IDR 600,000.00 already!
I'm greedy yet cheapskate.
Rabu, Juni 25, 2008
Ide Baru. Mungkin.
Tadi sore aku sempat chat cukup lama dengan seorang teman lama saat kuliah. Dia menanyakan beberapa hal teknis yang sebenarnya cukup sering ditemui -- kalau kamu konsentrasi kerja di bidang yang sama dengan konstruksi kami ini.
Aku menjelaskan tentang quality control dari pekerjaan pemancangan tiang, cor beton pondasi, cek vertikal struktur tegak, dan lain-lain.
Mungkin seandainya aku membuat tulisan tentang itu semua sebelumnya -- lengkap dengan foto-foto ilustrasi -- aku tinggal memberikan link itu ke dia.
Hmm.. Not a bad idea, actually.
Maybe I'd do it later on.
Aku menjelaskan tentang quality control dari pekerjaan pemancangan tiang, cor beton pondasi, cek vertikal struktur tegak, dan lain-lain.
Mungkin seandainya aku membuat tulisan tentang itu semua sebelumnya -- lengkap dengan foto-foto ilustrasi -- aku tinggal memberikan link itu ke dia.
Hmm.. Not a bad idea, actually.
Maybe I'd do it later on.
Jadi seharusnya sudah dari dulu aku tampilkan hasil foto saat aku bela-belain "kabur" ke Bandung dari Semarang hanya karena band yang satu ini meluncurkan album mereke, Blacklight Shines On di Fame Station, Bandung.

Tetapi karena seorang wayfarer itu lebih senang wayfaring daripada photoposting, jadilah ku-post foto ini sangat telat sekali sehingga bisa dibilang... basi?
Anyway, I really did have a lot of fun that night! Too bad my job made me unable to catch any other performance from them since then.



Too concentrate to instrument... Didn't seemed to notice any dancer!

"What? You wanna join them three..?"

Going solo again...

Promoting god.inc

Promoting god.inc, wet look just made it more exciting!

Evil smirk from the dark realm...

Tetapi karena seorang wayfarer itu lebih senang wayfaring daripada photoposting, jadilah ku-post foto ini sangat telat sekali sehingga bisa dibilang... basi?
Anyway, I really did have a lot of fun that night! Too bad my job made me unable to catch any other performance from them since then.
Too concentrate to instrument... Didn't seemed to notice any dancer!
"What? You wanna join them three..?"
Going solo again...
Promoting god.inc
Promoting god.inc, wet look just made it more exciting!
Evil smirk from the dark realm...
Senin, Juni 23, 2008
Lizard In The Backyard
It was Thursday and I was feeling unhealthy. That's why I spend time in the back of the office, staring at nothing, when suddenly I caught a glimpse of some movement.
I looked and what I saw was a lizard staring back at me. I decided to take some picture and run back to my desk, grab my camera, and hurriedly went outside once again. But this time, a couple of meters from it I stopped. Then cautiously, slowly, I took out my camera and start shooting.

At first I shot from above so the picture showed the upper body part. But then I thought, why shouldn't I try to get some mug shot? If it were too scared, it could've just skirting up the floor and vanished through the drain -- which it did later on.
I also took some pictures of its left rear foot that swollen blue and black, like some old wound untreated and decayed. Must've hurt a lot. It could get blood poisoning out of it.
Taking its pictures from various position and height got me really sweating like a pig. But that all was a challenge. I'm looking forward for another encounter with the wild animals!
Cheers for photography!
I looked and what I saw was a lizard staring back at me. I decided to take some picture and run back to my desk, grab my camera, and hurriedly went outside once again. But this time, a couple of meters from it I stopped. Then cautiously, slowly, I took out my camera and start shooting.

At first I shot from above so the picture showed the upper body part. But then I thought, why shouldn't I try to get some mug shot? If it were too scared, it could've just skirting up the floor and vanished through the drain -- which it did later on.
I also took some pictures of its left rear foot that swollen blue and black, like some old wound untreated and decayed. Must've hurt a lot. It could get blood poisoning out of it.
Taking its pictures from various position and height got me really sweating like a pig. But that all was a challenge. I'm looking forward for another encounter with the wild animals!
Cheers for photography!
Selasa, Juni 17, 2008
Ini Bukan Iklan: Snickers(R) Bar
in case you haven't notice or know it yet, i had a soft spot for delicious food, mainly chocolate-based one.
i'd willing to try tasting any chocolate product, if it came in two condition:
1. is that i can afford it (i'm paying for the food or the chance to taste it), or
2. it came free!
so in my office, i've became known for the guy (or the only person) who ate Snickers(R) bar on a regular basis. at a minimum of every two weeks, i'd visit the hypermarket to replenish my stock of Snickers(R) power bar - munch munch (or is it "chomp chomp"?). i'd even visit my boss' home and played with his kid (not yet two y.o.) and share with her bits of my Snickers(R).
thus, it's no wonder that she remembered me when she got Snickers(R) sent by her aunt from abroad. her parents and grandma told me that she insist on keeping one bar for me. so, i got this one for free.
now, why would i take pictures of the bars from various sides? because this is my first time i got a Snickers(R) in a different wrapping.
it has a lot of arabic writings and it has 60g of nett weight.
it read:
milk chocolate with soft nougat (14%) and caramel centre (27%) with fresh roasted peanuts (24%).
ingredients: sugar, peanuts, glucose, syrup, skimmed milk powder, cocoa butter, vegetable fat, cocoa mass, lactose, milk fat, demineralised whey powder, hydrogenated vegetable fat, salat, emulsifier (soya lecithin), egg white, hydrolised milk protein, flavouring.
milk chocolate contains milk solids 14% minimum.
followed by (i guess) the same word, only this one in arabic.
and then there is "Don't Stop" and "www.me.snickers.com"
and what was that writing, actually? my guess is Snickers, only this is in arabic or something NOT LATIN.
well, i guess i'd be savoring this view for a while before my urge, my basic (chocolate craving) instinct take over.
special thanks to little Cat, the little chocolate monster. we are the same!

Cathleen, smeared in chocolate from TimTam(R)
Sabtu, Juni 14, 2008
Accidents (Do) Happens! (Yes, again!)
Kadang kala mempekerjakan orang-orang teledor yang cenderung menganggap enteng hampir segalanya hanyalah akan berujung pada satu hal: DISASTER!
Contohnya, lihat saja ketika salah satu mobil operasional yang mengalami kerusakan gara-gara oli mesin habis. IMAGINE THAT: mobil harus mengalami turun mesin karena kehabisan pelumas!
Memangnya si driver tidak menyadari kalau mobil ini harus mendapatkan perawatan khusus yaitu penambahan oli mesin tiap -- paling tidak -- seratus kilometer? Mereka bertiga yang memakai mobil malah saling menyalahkan.
This fatal mistake cost our company more than IDR 6 million! No wonder my boss was pissed!

Blok mesin dibongkar.

Mobil saat di bengkel.

Bagian yang rusak dan harus diganti.

Engine parts -- disassembled.

More engine parts.
Anyway, mulai sekarang kami harus saling mengingatkan untuk menjaga dan merawat inventaris kantor!
= = = = = = = = =
oh, maybe seharusnya judul post bukan accidents melainkan incidents atau kata lain yang lebih sesuai???
Contohnya, lihat saja ketika salah satu mobil operasional yang mengalami kerusakan gara-gara oli mesin habis. IMAGINE THAT: mobil harus mengalami turun mesin karena kehabisan pelumas!
Memangnya si driver tidak menyadari kalau mobil ini harus mendapatkan perawatan khusus yaitu penambahan oli mesin tiap -- paling tidak -- seratus kilometer? Mereka bertiga yang memakai mobil malah saling menyalahkan.
This fatal mistake cost our company more than IDR 6 million! No wonder my boss was pissed!
Blok mesin dibongkar.
Mobil saat di bengkel.
Bagian yang rusak dan harus diganti.
Engine parts -- disassembled.
More engine parts.
Anyway, mulai sekarang kami harus saling mengingatkan untuk menjaga dan merawat inventaris kantor!
= = = = = = = = =
oh, maybe seharusnya judul post bukan accidents melainkan incidents atau kata lain yang lebih sesuai???
Rabu, Juni 11, 2008
the camera
it is not the camera that made you a photographer.
it is you that made yourself into one.
itu kalimat -- beserta variannya -- yang kadang-kadang kuulang pada diriku kalau melihat orang-orang menenteng kamera yang hanya bisa kuidam-idamkan saja. katakanlah, sebuah Nikon D300.
aku memang ingin memilikinya. tetapi kondisi keuanganku (baca: aku terlalu pelit) membuat aku merasa kalau aku belum mampu memilikinya. lalu aku sekali lagi mengingatkan diri sendiri: bahkan Nikon D50-ku saja belum selesai kuutak-atik. banyak fitur yang sampai sekarang belum bisa kugunakan dengan tepat atau apa perbedaan setting yang satu dengan yang lainnya.
misalnya setting white balance tiap kali kondisi pencahayaan berubah. atau memilih antara shutter speed priority atau aperture priority untuk tiap hal atau peristiwa yang aku mau rekam. atau bahkan beda warna yang akan kuperoleh antara Normal atau Vivid atau Softer atau pilihan lainnya.
mengingat aku sudah hampir tiga tahun memiliki D50 itu, ini adalah fakta yang sangat memalukan.
jadi aku hanya bisa melihat dengan rasa iru setiap kali ada orang yang berjalan-jalan membawa sebuah D200 atau D300. apalagi kalau aku tahu orang itu bukan berprofesi sebagai seorang fotografer.
mungkin aku hanya bisa menghibur diri sendiri. tetapi tetaplah, sebuah D50 masih lebih baik daripada sebuah pocket camera (dalam hal rentang subyek yang bisa kufoto).
thanks to Ken Rockwell for his insights.
it is you that made yourself into one.
itu kalimat -- beserta variannya -- yang kadang-kadang kuulang pada diriku kalau melihat orang-orang menenteng kamera yang hanya bisa kuidam-idamkan saja. katakanlah, sebuah Nikon D300.
aku memang ingin memilikinya. tetapi kondisi keuanganku (baca: aku terlalu pelit) membuat aku merasa kalau aku belum mampu memilikinya. lalu aku sekali lagi mengingatkan diri sendiri: bahkan Nikon D50-ku saja belum selesai kuutak-atik. banyak fitur yang sampai sekarang belum bisa kugunakan dengan tepat atau apa perbedaan setting yang satu dengan yang lainnya.
misalnya setting white balance tiap kali kondisi pencahayaan berubah. atau memilih antara shutter speed priority atau aperture priority untuk tiap hal atau peristiwa yang aku mau rekam. atau bahkan beda warna yang akan kuperoleh antara Normal atau Vivid atau Softer atau pilihan lainnya.
mengingat aku sudah hampir tiga tahun memiliki D50 itu, ini adalah fakta yang sangat memalukan.
jadi aku hanya bisa melihat dengan rasa iru setiap kali ada orang yang berjalan-jalan membawa sebuah D200 atau D300. apalagi kalau aku tahu orang itu bukan berprofesi sebagai seorang fotografer.
mungkin aku hanya bisa menghibur diri sendiri. tetapi tetaplah, sebuah D50 masih lebih baik daripada sebuah pocket camera (dalam hal rentang subyek yang bisa kufoto).
thanks to Ken Rockwell for his insights.
Selasa, Juni 10, 2008
Love is A Wave Trust is The Water
I read a VERY interesting book and in it is a chapter which titled: "Love is A Wave, Trust is The Water". Mainly, the book is about the author's relationship with various people and girlfriend(s) during a period of his life. But from many chapters I had already leafed through, this one struck me the most because he seemed to share a similar point of view with me.
Trust is like the essence, the basic material, for love. You can't say you love someone if you always keeping an unhealthy feeling aboout the one you love.
The author even wrote a line that really -- and I mean REALLY -- is like my own thought (at least the last part):
"... She always tells me that she will love me forever, but how can love exist without trust?"
Trust is like the essence, the basic material, for love. You can't say you love someone if you always keeping an unhealthy feeling aboout the one you love.
The author even wrote a line that really -- and I mean REALLY -- is like my own thought (at least the last part):
"... She always tells me that she will love me forever, but how can love exist without trust?"
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