this one, if you click-to-enlarge it, will show you that this one is a blurry image. it was caused by unsteady hands that hold the camera. always keep in mind, for a simple guide, use minimum speed 1/focal length of the lens used.

this picture show the steady shot, not blurry now. you can either reduce the time the shutter release was open or you can held the camera steadier or you can use an image stabilizer (vibration reduction) feature if you have one.

this one, while the composition may be feels right, the timing is not. the model was closing her eyes when the camera capture the image. thus, this picture is considered worthless. one could see this picture and realize that this one is taken at an unappropriate time.

this one is a laugh. it really showed how much you can trust and rely upon your lens' auto-focus system, which is not always. you -- the photographer -- should always use your eye and your head to be able to capture the right image. this one focused on the model's background and not at the model which made this one as useless as any useless pictures you might know.
tip: on photographing people, focus on their eyes.

now this one, although seemed to be taken correctly, it was still not satisfying enough. you can see the position in the picture frame was wrong. you can see that the model's elbow was cropped while the area in front of her was still large enough. if only the photographer (me!) put her frame diagonally with equal space in front and behind her, this one photo will be submitted to the competition!

this one here is a combination of at least two mistakes: unsatisfying composition (and/or framing) and blurring image. if you (and me!) were still not familiar enough with your camera and setting plus insufficient knowledge of photography, multiple mistakes in a single exposure would be common.
try to learn by using it an learning from the result. you'll be getting good -- or great! -- photos!
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