Rabu, Juli 01, 2009

What You Are Not.. (Yet)

You're not even a REAL model, YET, but already you started to pick attitudes and embodied it within yourself, some of the worst quality a (so-called) model is.

And that'd be probably your saying that I am not that into socializing with you. And that might be a grain of truth in that since I already sense your unaccepting behaviour -- which include picking with whom you're talking and acknowledgin with -- and I revel on that.

Woman, you're not even a model and the reason people took your pictures because you're one of the only two female in the room who were present to be an object on lighting testing and experimentation project we did.

And sure, you might say that this is such a wimpish act -- by not talking (insulting?) you in front of the others -- but I am sure not want to change the merry mood that session tends to into a sour one.

Until then, woman, be wise. You're just another young female among the abundant young females here living in Jakarta.

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