These pictures I took on March 13, 2008 because I thought that these guys are dumbf*ck and sometime in the future -- if not already happened! -- some people would ram into their rear while in the position perpendicular to the traffic flow. They'd at least have some bruises.
I just wish the guy who crash into the poor bastards *rse is not me.

And then on March 18, 2008 an accident did happen on the exact spot. The kid in the left hit the guy in the black jacket. The kid is just to shocked - maybe - that he didn't even think of leaving that black-jacketed nuthead right there where he hit him.
The blakc-jacketed guy seemed angry and taking the opportunity seeing the kid seemed sincerely apologize -- that stupid kid! That guy making gestures using his hand like waving and pointing toward the nearest police station. That f*ck!
IMHO, he's the one that made the mistake being broken the traffic regulation.
They argued for a long time -- mostly the guy insisting on something that the kid wasn't able top comply or compromise -- that a cop coming on a bike and start questioning them. I didn't how that episode end because I'd better eat my breakfast.

That only justify that people are careless.
And stupid.
Or both.
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