No, I'm not refering to the movie about some people born with an ability to teleport to places just by looking at the image of the place. Instead, I am talking about the Third Eye Blind's single, titled "Jumper" that I saw in Jim Carrey movie, "Yes Man".
The song tell about a friend that want to commit suicide by jumping from atop of a building. Well, that was kind of stray too much from my REAL point but the tune catch hold in my head and I found myself humming or singing part of the lyrics.
Maybe because that song remind me of myself, as I standing here prepare to jump. No, you! I don't mean to jump and die as in suicide. I mean that I'm jumping to embrace another operating system, jumping away from Microsoft Windows XP that I have been using these past few years. Let me admit it:
I am embracing open source software!
There! I said it!
I am the first in my office to start backing up my own work and personal files to CDs and DVDs. Too damn bad I didn't found one system to catalogue the content of all those disks, scratched on both surfaces and unable to be put inside a drive anymore.
I am the first in my office to start putting some work files in the cloud. That's because I don't want to carry a notebook around, adding at least three kgs to the overall weight of my luggages. That way, all I need is an internet connection and a rental computer loaded with appropriate office suite, be it OpenOffice or Microsoft Office.
Now, I am the first in my office to jump to open source section of the computer users. That's right! I now use dual-boot, Windows XP Home Service Pack 3 and
Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope. Even right now, I'm typing this post in a Mozilla Firefox web broser on GNOME, using
Rythmbox to listen to my music list (it's still on mp3 format so I have to install the proper restricted codecs).
What I really mean that, even on a small scale thus have no power to change any other computer users in my office to ditch their older software and take Open Source Software instead. When I push up the idea to change into open source, I justgot rejected. Nobody seemed to like the notion; give it some consideration first; or even curious about Ubuntu Linux! Nobody, except me.
So here I am, writing this post, after jumping to another Open Source operating system and softwares..!
Let me qoute something:
At the core of the Ubuntu Philosophy are these core philosophical ideals:
- Every computer user should have the freedom to download, run, copy, distribute, study, share, change and improve their software for any purpose, without paying licensing fees.
- Every computer user should be able to use their software in the language of their choice.
- Every computer user should be given every opportunity to use software, even if they work under a disability.
The freedoms at the core of free software are defined as:
- The freedom to run the programme, for any purpose.
- The freedom to study how the programme works and adapt it to your needs.
- The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others.
- The freedom to improve the programme and release your improvements to the public, so that everyone benefits.
Source in
here!Today, I'm thinking of doing another Jumper session. What jump now that'd be?