Minggu, November 08, 2009

How Cool Is Your Siblings

Actually, NOT cool. I have had bad times and worse. My brother can even make a happy morning turned sour or gloom. Such power, wielded in a man's hand.

To think that that guy can ask and make you feel that you have to obey, when actually you're the one who's doing him a favor, now that's a really special power. I just wish that that dude wouldn't abuse it too often.

Oh by the way, big city like Jakarta surely have a lot of people living there, people that maybe at sometimes are so self-centered but not realizing it, that made you felt suffocated. You know you are angry or upset with how some of them treat you but you know that actually they didn't really mean that. It's just that they do what a lot of people did: being unsensitive but mindless about it.

You see, when you have to travel across state border to meet some people, you'd expect the person you're going to meet appreciate your effort, time, and energy you spent to get there. At least to some level. But when you're being told to just wait or being said words like you're disturbing their oh-so-busy-life-and-important-STUFFS-to-do, like you're interrupting some serious business, wouldn't you be questioning what the hell are you even doing there?

Oh I forgot. I just making some unimportant queries that not even need some considerations. Maybe because that I am just a nobody.

Maybe if I am someone, like SOMEONE IMPORTANT, a hot-shot in Jakarta, then -- and ONLY then -- I will get the proper attention (like, minimal?) that (maybe un-) deserved by a man at my state.

That is, the state of nothing?

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