Senin, September 08, 2008

OMG This Place's Kinda Over-hyped!

I went to my Facebook's Home page when I saw that a friend of mine just joined this RUSTIQUE Grill & Wine group.

YES, the food (supposed) to be great!

YES, the tiramisu taste very delicious!

And YES, the interior is so much -- I didn't know how to call it since I'm not that eloquent enough. It's just own that aura, atmosphere, and look that spelled: E-X-P-E-N-S-I-V-E.

But I -- in my own small, self-righteous mind -- think that this place is just over-hyped. In my opinion, I must disagree with claims that saying this place is one of the best restaurants in Indonesia.

Hell, maybe I'm wrong.

But the stuff there is just overpriced and I just think that all these people (in Jakarta) can live without all that splurging in the incessant spoils.


Oh yes, the contact info:

Plaza Senayan Level P4 #413 - XXI Complex
Jakarta, Indonesia

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